1. The Vilppulankoski recreational fishing area consists of the area marked on the map. Fishing from the shore is only allowed in areas marked on the map. Fishing from a boat is prohibited throughout the recreational fishing area.
2. The fishing season is between 1 December and 31 August (i.e. the entire calendar year, except the closed season for trout, see next item)
3. Vilppulankoski is closed for fishing from 1 September to 30 November (closed season for trout) in order to support the natural breeding of the trout population.
4. Wading is prohibited in the entire rapids area from 1 December to 31 May.
5. If the water temperature in Vilppulankoski stays over 22°C for seven consecutive days, the rapids will be closed for fishing. When the water temperature falls below 22°C, the rapids will be opened for fishing again.
6. Both trout with a clipped adipose fin (restocked) and trout with an adipose fin present (naturally bred) are fully protected species.
7. If you intend to release a fish, handle it with wet hands and release it into the water as quickly as possible with appropriate reviving.
8. Live or dead bait is prohibited.
9. Artificial, scented bait is prohibited (silicone bait, paste, etc.).
10. Using passive gear is prohibited.
11. The lure used in casting may only contain a single three-prong hook. The three-prong hook may be located on the belly or tail of the wobbler (see pictures below). This hook restriction on wobblers seeks to support the survival of the released fish.
12. Fishing licences for Vilppulankoski can be purchased as one-day or three-day licences. When purchasing a licence, you must present proof of payment of the Finnish fisheries management fee. Please keep both the proof of payment of the fisheries management fee and the daily Vilppulankoski licence with you and show them to the fishing guard upon request.
13. The one-day licence expires after 24 hours and the three-day licence after 72 hours from the time of purchase.
14. Family members younger than 15 years of age may fish with the licence holder without a separate charge, but must be supervised by the licence holder. Fish caught by people under 15 years of age count towards the fishing quota of the licence holder.
15. A one-day licence entitles the holder to take (2) rainbow trout in 24 hours. A three-day licence entitles the holder to take (4) rainbow trout. NOTE! For three-day licences, the catch must not exceed the quota of two (2) rainbow trout in 24 hours.
16. When the daily quota is met, fishing must be stopped immediately. When the quota is met, fishing may not be continued as catch and release fishing.
17. Undersized fish must be immediately released back into the water in spite of their condition.
– Both trout with a clipped adipose fin (restocked) and trout with an adipose fin present (naturally bred) are fully protected species
– Grayling is a fully protected species
– Asp is a fully protected species
– Rainbow trout has no minimum size
– The minimum size for zander is 42 cm
18. All breaches of these rules will always be reported to the police.
These rules entered force on 1 April 2019.
Town of Mänttä-Vilppula
Technical Board